The HSK is a globally run standardised test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. Whether you seek to ensure eligibility for scholarships to study in China or gain an advantage in the job market or a related academic field, an HSK pass will serve you well. But, of course, many learners also find an exam to be an excellent source of motivation!

Working with the Chinese Testing Centre (CTI), we are delighted to announce that our Institute will continue to offer opportunities for interested candidates to sit HSK Exams in 2025. This year, all the HSK exams running at the Institute will be in-person exams only. The first offline exam will take place on Sunday, 9th March, 2025

Please visit HSK Exams Official Page HERE to register. Please note a recent passport photo is required when completing the registration form. The deadline for registration is 4 pm on Monday, 10th February, 2025

Make Payment Online

Payment can be made online via the University’s epay system. Please note that if you want to book more than one exam level or both HSK and the oral exam, HSKK, you need to go through the booking process for each item you wish to book.

Admission tickets and photo ID

Your admission ticket can be printed in the exam registration system after the registration closes. On the exam date, you MUST bring this admission ticket and the identification document you used when registering for the exam. Candidates who fail to bring these two documents will not be able to sit the exam on the day.

HSK & HSKK exam preparation video



A comprehensive guide to your HSK and HSKK exams at the Confucius Institute for Scotland.

HSK Levels 1-6

HSK Levels 1-6 Explained

HSK is conducted at six levels running from 1-6. Please see the detailed information sheet outlining the examination standard for each level.

HSKK Levels

HSKK LevelsBasic-Advanced Explained

HSK Speaking Test (HSKK) assesses the test takers’ oral Chinese abilities. HSKK consists of three levels, HSKK (Beginner level), HSKK (Intermediate level) and HSKK (Advanced level). HSKK is conducted in a format of audio recording. Please see detailed information for each HSKK level.


Further Information